Bénédicte Colnet

Hi, Welcome to my webpage!

I am Bénédicte Colnet, currently employed at the French Ministry of Health, where I lead the amazing team dedicated to drugs and medical devices pricing and regulation for the French social security's direction.

In June 2023 I completed my PhD in statistics and applied maths under the guidance of Julie Josse, Erwan Scornet, and Gaël Varoquaux at Inria (France). My research focuses on applied mathematics and causal inference with a focus on health-related topics.

I am an engineer by training. I gratuated from École polytechnique in France, and studied bioinformatics in Sorbonne Université. I also am a Corps des Mines civil servant engineer (i.e. working for the French administration). I worked in different places and companies during almost three years in total before starting a Ph.D. in September 2020. I steadfastly believe in the crucial role of science and independent thinking across all facets of our society.

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- Since June 2023, I have significantly slowed down my research activities due to my new job. That being said, I am still happy to receive your comments and suggestions regarding my research and am always available to answer any questions. Please feel free to contact me.


- The article Re-weighting the randomized controlled trial for generalization: finite-sample error and variable selection has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A! 🎉

- With my advisors, we released a new preprint about causal measures. I feel incredibly honored that Andrew Gelman has proposed a discussion on his blog! 😀

- The review co-authored with Imke Mayer has been accepted for publication in Statistical Science! 🎉

Scientific publications

PhD Thesis

Generalizing a causal effect from a trial to a target population: methodological and theoretical contributions
Bénédicte Colnet, [thesis]. & [slides].


Risk ratio, odds ratio, risk difference... Which causal measure is easier to generalize?
Bénédicte Colnet, Julie Josse, Gaël Varoquaux, Erwan Scornet.
arXiv Preprint, March 2023 -- currently under revision.

Peer-reviewed articles

Re-weighting the randomized controlled trial for generalization: finite-sample error and variable selection
Bénédicte Colnet, Julie Josse, Gaël Varoquaux, Erwan Scornet.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A .

Decrease of the spatial variability and local dimension of the Euro-Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream with global warming
Robin Noyelle, Vivien Guette, Akim Viennet, Bénédicte Colnet, Davide Faranda, Andreia N. S. Hisi & Pascal Yiou
Climate Dynamics, 2023.

Causal effect on a target population: A sensitivity analysis to handle missing covariates
Bénédicte Colnet, Julie Josse, Gaël Varoquaux, Erwan Scornet.
Journal of Causal Inference, 2022

Causal inference methods for combining randomized trials and observational studies: a review
Bénédicte Colnet and Imke Mayer, Julie Josse, Jean-Philippe Vert, Gaël Varoquaux, Shu Yang, et al.
Accepted in Statistical Science, 2020.

FiberGrowth Pipeline: A Framework Toward Predicting Fiber-Specific Growth From Human Gut Bacteroidetes Genomes
Bénédicte Colnet and Christian MK Sieber, Fanny Perraudeau, Marion Leclerc.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021.

Dip-coating of suspensions
Adrien Gans, Emilie Dressaire, Bénédicte Colnet, Guillaume Saingier, Martin Z Bazant, Alban Sauret.
Soft matter, 2019.

Capillary filtering of particles during dip coating
Adrien Gans, Emilie Dressaire, Bénédicte Colnet, Guillaume Saingier, Martin Z Bazant, Alban Sauret.
Physical Review Fluids, 2019.


Slides are available upon request. Don't hesitate to ask me.


- November 2023, at Bits in Bio
- November 2023, at Gustave Roussy
- September 2023, at Pyladies Paris, [slides].
- May 2023, Online Causal Inference Seminar [recording]
- May 2023, Chris Holmes' research group in Oxford [slides]
- April 2023, Fredrik Johansson's research team at Chalmers (Sweden)
- February 2023, Paris Women in Machine Learning & Data Science
- February 2023, Service de Biostatistiques et information médicale (PMSI) of Hôpital Saint-Louis (Paris Hospital), [recording]
- December 2022, Traumabase scientific comitee and Capgemini
- October 2022, Causal Tau team
- May 2022, Trevor Hastie, Jonathan Taylor, and Rob Tibshirani's research group for students [slides]
- March 2022, Centre of Research in Epidemiology and StatisticS (CRESS) research group
- March 2022, Stefan Wager's research group
- January 2022, HeKa Junior seminar
- January 2022, Sympas group meeting (CMAP)
- March 2021, Junior Causality Seminar (Sierra team at Inria)


- April 2023, European Causal Inference Meeting EuroCIM, Oslo, [slides]
- December 2022, International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), Florence, Italy (short talk)
- September 2022, 9th International Meeting on Statistical Methods in Biopharmacy [slides]
- August 2021, Joint Statistical Meetings
- July 2021, 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
- July 2021, JDS (Journées des Statistiques)


- April 2023, Statlearn, in sunny Montpellier ☀️ [poster]


Artificial intelligence and Social sciences: Data challenge

📍 École nationale des Chartes, 65 rue Richelieu 75002 Paris, salle Coyecque

Data challenge is now open! [pdf]

🗓 Dates et horaires des cours
- Lundi 16 janvier 10:00-12:00 --- Material [html], lab [html], and correction [html].
- Lundi 30 janvier 10:00-12:00 --- Material [pdf], data [csv].
- Lundi 6 février 10:00-12:00 --- Lab [pdf], data [csv], lab with answers [pdf], data on literature [csv].
- Lundi 20 février 10:00-12:00 --- Material [pdf], Lab [pdf]
- Lundi 20 mars 10:00-12:00 --- Material [pdf].
- Lundi 3 avril 09:00-12:00
- Lundi 17 avril 09:00-12:00
- Lundi 24 avril 09:00-12:00

Big thanks to the original template author.